About me
I am a professional organist based in North Yorkshire but available throughout the Northern England.
I hold a Fellowship diploma in organ from Trinity College of Music, London (FTCL) and Licentiate diplomas from both Trinity College of Music, London and the London College of Music in piano and oboe. (LLCM, LTCL)
My experience of organ playing is wide and varied, having played at a very large number of churches. These have ranged from those in small villages to large city churches such as Leeds Parish Church. I have played for services at the Cathedrals of Worcester, Ripon, Newcastle, Middlesbrough and Wakefield. I am currently organist and director of music at St.Mary's Church, Masham and deputize regularly at other churches and venues throughout Yorkshire and further afield.
In addition to church work I have accompanied choirs and small singing ensembles both on organ and piano and recent work has ranged from Gilbert and Sullivan operettas to Mendelssohn oratorio and Lieder Recital accompaniment.
Accompaniment is also offered to candidates preparing for and taking instrumental and singing grade and diploma examinations. I am registered as a pianist at the Royal Academy of Dancing and regularly play for their graded ballet examinations.
Playing fees for 2021/22 are £95 for funeral and memorial services and £190 for weddings. Distances of more than 60 miles from Masham may incur additional travel costs.
© Anthony Rudd 2021